The Legion of Honor is an extremely elegant photoshoot location for a reason. In 1802 Napoleon Bonaparte established the Legion of Honor as the highest French order for military and civil merits. So the name tells it all! It was established in 1924 and has some interesting history.
It’s so beautiful on the outside and on the inside and the pictures at the Legion of Honor always come up very spectacular. Legion of Honor is perfect for weddings, engagement, family, photoshoots. Legion of Honor is also the best model session spot in San Francisco. So many awesome backgrounds, walls, columns, gates, glass roof, fountain in front, view to the Golden Gate and city will make your photos look so elegant and so stylish.
It’s not possible to have a bad photo session at Legion of Honor because the place is so perfect for any kind of session. So, if you are not sure where to book your next session, please consider the Legion of Honor and you won’t be disappointed. Please see the pictures below for more details.

Best Time for a Photoshoot: Right before the sunset.
Meeting point: The fountain plaza in front of the Legion of Honor
Recommended outfit: Ceremonial, Festive, Business Casual, Casual Dressy
Parking: Free parking
Warning: Prevent Car Break-ins, Don’t leave anything on display in your car
Walking: Depends how far you parked your car. Rideshare cars should be able to come to the front
Hours: Museum 9:30AM-5PM, Outside area always open
Fees: Museum from $15, Outside area always free
Restroom: Yes